PARKSVILLE — New provincial funding is poised to make a big difference for grassroots organizations.
The Parksville-Qualicum Community Foundation are using $230,000 from the provincial government’s Community Prosperity Fund to create an Oceanside equivalent, able to administer grants to eligible local organizations.
Foundation vice-chair Peter van Dongen told NanaimoNewsNOW the money will be awarded to initiatives actively or wanting to reduce poverty in the region, as well as making Oceanside a more inclusive place for all.
“An organization might be a registered charity and they’re focused on local food security and wanting to continue or perhaps expand a food redistribution program. It might be a not-for-profit that provides mental health and addictions services and wants to create a new program for new mothers experiencing mental health challenges.”
Applicants must either be registered charities, a not-fot-profit entity sponsored by a registered charity and/or an organization serving Indigenous communities.
van Dongen said applications are now open, through until July 30 when a panel from the Foundation and local volunteers will review them.
Money will be awarded by mid-September, with total amounts between $5,000 and $25,000.
“That funding can be spread out over three years and the great thing about this program is funding can support both project delivery costs as well as operational expenses that contribute to the organizations long term sustainability.”
van Dongen added the benefit of money from the province, totalling $25 million B.C. wide, being administered locally means it gets to organizations which can make a real difference in community.
More information on the grants available and the application process is on the Parksville-Qualicum Community Foundation’s website.
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